Advertise with Us

We are now offering sponsored advertising opportunities here on PTJ. While posting tennis jobs or classifieds on our site is free and will always remain so, our sponsored ads provide maximum exposure at a reasonable price. As the largest and most visited Tennis Employment and Tennis Classified destination online, we average close to 1000 unique & targeted tennis related visitors each day. Most of our visitors are either tennis professionals or tennis employers. If you are looking to advertise to this demographic please let us know and we will most likely be happy to publish your Ad.

Our sponsored ads are placed on the right column of the website, below our main categories. They are displayed sitewide on all tennis job and classified pages. Below are our current ad prices and size examples:

We limit our ad space to only 3 units at any given time to keep ad exposure high and ads are rotated 3 times a month to provide even exposure. Advertisers must commit to 1 month and pay in advance via PayPal.

Ads must be sent to us in the following format: